Tell her you are utterly in love with her with this bouquet of white Calla lilies, Holland carnations and whimsical filler flowers.
Regular bouquet includes 3 Calla lilies, 6 roses, 3 Holland carnations and filler flowers and measures approximately 30cm wide and 40cm tall.
Premium bouquet includes 5 Calla lilies, 9 roses, 6 Holland carnations and filler flowers and measures approximately 40cm wide and 50cm tall.
As far as possible, we endeavour to meet your specific requirements, however, flowers are seasonal and we reserve the right to make substitutions at our discretion.
Please note that this is not available for same day delivery, do drop us a call at 9068 5320 if you need it urgently.
An additional $15 also applies for deliveries to Sentosa, Tuas and areas surrounding and including Changi Airport.